Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What in the world?

Is it getting colder where you live? It's supposed to be in the forties tonight at my house. And my son sent photos from Australia where it is early Spring. The flowers are blooming in bright profusion. And here's a photo that he sent of a really weird bird. (Yes, that is my son's head.)

But that's not the mystery photo for the week. Once again, I offer you a snippet of a photo of something in my study. Once again, the prize for a correct identification will be the recipe for some fantastic crispy oatmeal cookies. So here we go. What do you think this is? And where did it come from?


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

~laffin~ that photo of Greg is priceless! You must be such a proud dad!

Well, lets see...tis a nose. Now I just have to figure out the rest.

jonboy said...

Is it a nose from a ceremonial Kenyan mask of some sort ....

spookyrach said...

Looks like a nose on a stone head. Maybe an effigy of the great booger god.

The gregbird is a hoot!

Hyuck. Hyuck.

Your survery questions are sorry. Way too much thought involved. I plan to just list my favorite color, band and season on most of them.

little david said...

Yes, I am a proud dad. He just makes me laugh so hard sometimes. And then he will write and ask me how to deal with spiritual pride, because he suspects I have had to deal with that in my life. Yeah, that's my boy.

spookyrach said...

Ha ha! That's funny!

"Gee dad, how did you cope with beign a jerk?"

I like it!