Sunday, October 09, 2005

What in the world?

Ah, Sunday afternoon! After a pleasant lunch with friends, Cat and I had our minds made up to work in the yard. Right after reading the Sunday paper. And working the crossword puzzle. But, wouldn't you know it, the skies darkened and it starting raining! What a shame. Guess we will have to put off digging grass out of the iris bed until later. Maybe April.

Looks sinister, don't you thinkInspired by Jonboy's phenomenal success last week, I am encouraged to post a new "watzat?" for your viewing pleasure. As before, this is an item residing in my study. I've had it for a long time and you may have one, too. So let's file those guesses. The winner, should there be one, will receive a high-quality photo of a watercolor painting suitable for printing as the face of a greeting card. I'm thinking a floral scene would be best.


spookyrach said...

"Princess Leia, before your execution, you will join me at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now."
"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."

Well, assuming its not your own personal Death Star, I have no idea. I really like it, whatever it is.

little david said...

Ooooo, my own personal Death Star! I like the idea. But that's not what it is. Thanks for playing.

spookyrach said...

A bowling ball for people who wear mitten?

I really need to get back to work...

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I am guessing that it is a lunar mailbox.

And Jonboy cheats. FYI

jonboy said...

I do not cheat and it looks more like a rusted R2-D2 than a Death Star.

However, my guess is that it is a moderately deffective chastity belt.

jonboy said...

Is it a weird native Hawaiian piggy/penny bank? And furthermore, how do you spell Hawaiian? Or did I accidently spell it correctly?

spookyrach said...

Haaa! Regardless of what it is, I think TikiMonkey is the winner!

little david said...

Yes, yes, it is true. Tikimonkey is the winner. And an insider! He's my son ~dramatic soap opera chords [da-ta-DAH]. I will post the full photo.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

My opinion...all 3 of the men here are cheating ~looks at all 3 with the evil eye~