Monday, September 25, 2006

Remembering Sydney

One evening in Sydney we went down to the bay and looked across at the sights. Downtown Sydney, all lit up, is quite beautiful. This is the opera house, of course. It has now been a month since we were in Australia and it seems like a year. What is a memory, after all? Several neurons agreeing to link up like they did once before? How do the cells contain memories? Time is a river flowing by, always moving, irretrievably gone. OK, that's enough philosophic pondering. Cat and I went to the fair last Saturday. We enjoy seeing the flower arrangements, the produce (biggest pumpkin was 203 pounds), art exhibits, and the animals. Only, going through the swine barn, I stepped on something squishy. Even though I have scrubbed the sole of my shoe, the smell still lingers. That's a memory that won't go away. I will try to have an audioblog posted on Saturday.


annie said...

I stepped on something squishy.

Someone dropped their gummy bear?...First rule of walking around your step!

The opera house photo is lovely and I enjoy the philosophic pondering.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...


spookyrach said...

That's a beautiful photo!

We were at the fair Saturday, too. I LOVE looking at the art show stuff. Especially the Jr. High and High School kids.

And can I just air a "petty" grievance on your space? Yes? Thanks! They TOTALLY need new judges in the painting division for adults. Good grief! There were some great paintings and some fine middle of the road paintings and some real crap. But who won, each and every time? The little old ladies who ripped off Thomas Kinkaid's style and copied his paintings, that's who! UgH! Time for new judges!!!

Ok. Stepping down off the soapbox. Backing towards the door. Thanks for letting me vent.

little david said...

Hey Rach, I remembered that last year we saw you at the fair and I wondered if we would again this year. We must have been in the barn while you were riding the Loop-de-loop. I think you are right about the art judges. Were did they come from and what are the qualifications? I found the photography awards questionable, too.

On the issue, how do you suppose they judge items in the antiques and collectibles division? Market value? Nostalgic appeal? Personal acquaintance with one of the judges? I'm stymied.

little david said...

Oh, hee-hee! I get it--"petty" grievance!

Captainwow said...

Yeah, I’m going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Where are you going? I’m goin’ to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. If you ask me where I’m goin’, I’ll tell you that where I’m goin’ is P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Where? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. I don’t wanna tell you again, but I’m going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Why do you keep asking if I already told you? P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, that’s where I’m going.

little david said...

Um, OK, Ginny, whatever you say. (Have you been tinkering with your meds again?)

Captainwow said...

It's from FINDING NEMO!!! :o)
Or, maybe you FORGOT!!! hahahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!

(And yes, I HAVE been tinkering with my meds. What of it?)

spookyrach said...

We'll be at the fair again this Saturday afternoon, too. Good times to be had by all no doubt.

Evidently if you include an American flag in your photo or in some way compose it so that it features white children doing something with Mothers and Apple Pie, then that guarantees an award.

I'm so glad you mentioned the antiques. I was going to avoid that as I did not want to use up my full soap box allocation all in one post. BUT, what't the deal? Do you get an award because your grandmother had good taste in furniture? We don't get it, either.

jonboy said...

The Sydney Opera House or the South Plains Fair .... hmmmm .... where would I rather go?

By the way if you have ever met, or had to deal with, or take pictures of, or try to get information from the little people of the South Plains who consider themselves accomplished artisans, you would understand why the judging is questionable.

I mean, crap, I've seen our art professor roll her eyes at them, and you know how differently she operates.

Patti said...

Our Great Pumpkin Festival is today. I'm going to try to get a picture of the winner.