Saturday, January 21, 2006

Zenith and weekend word S

Comments on the previous post indicate that Rachel learned that I claimed "zenith" was a Greek word. Yeah, I was mistaken about that. I presumed it was from Greek because I knew that it was not a Latin word. But the real story of "zenith" is pretty interesting.
Back in the Middle Ages, there was an Arabic philosopher named Averroës who lived in Spain. He became so popular that scholars commenting on Aristotle used some Arabic terms that Averroës introduced. One of these was the word which got transliterated into Medieval Latin as "camt" or "cemt" meaning "road." When scribes copied scrolls with this word, at least one English scribe thought the "m" was "ni" (since they didn't use dots over "i"s yet), and wrote it as "cenit." That later became "cenith" then "zenith" meaning highest point. The opposite word is "nadir" which comes from an Arabic preposition which means "against" or "opposite." Averroës described a road above (the high road) which was preferable to its opposite below. Thus, zenith and nadir.
Now for the weekend word in S. There are just so many to choose from. I guess it will be a word that I used yesterday at work. The word is SYCOPHANT [SIK-uh-funt] and it does come from Greek meaning "one who makes the sign of the fig." What the heck is that?! Well, a fig-displayer in ancient Greece was a snitch (hey, we use "stool pigeon" to convey the same idea--does that make sense?). Sycophant is used in English to describe a "fawning parasite" (as the Webster's Unabridged puts it). Hey, maybe you will use this word at work, too.


spookyrach said...

This is one of those great words that sounds like what it is. (I love those words.) Even if you don't know the meaning you know you don't wanna be one when you hear it spoken.

The all time best sounds-like-what-it-is word, in my humble opinion is the Spanish word for snot: moco

jonboy said...

For some reason, the words sycophant and socialite always strike common cord with me. I can't determine if it's just me being strange or if it is some sort of intrinsical social commentary.

Running2Ks said...

I want to go around calling people sycophants now. Sounds classy--even though it isn't :)

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

sometimes, I read your stuff and I get lost and I start thinking about my grocery list. Why are you so damned smart?

little david said...

Oh, Mindy, thank you for your comment! It made me chuckle. Since I am home with my head stopped up, my body aching, and feeling weak as a baby, I am in need of a good laugh. You know when you get a pizza and the mushrooms are kind of clumped up on one piece? Same thing happened to me with analytical ability; my slice got loaded with mushrooms. But I am short of black olives and there are hardly any bell peppers at all. One reason that I admire your sensitivity to others is that intuition is like bell peppers for me. Not every slice is the same, but each one has its delights.