Friday, January 13, 2006

It's an ace!

Well, that didn't last long. Jonboy, apparently on a break from his highly demanding job, made an extremely accurate claim. This little pig was carved from a bar of Ivory soap. I did it in junior high school art class. Even when I moved out of the house, my mom would not let me take the pig with me. She kept it in a display case with other odds and ends: an old photo , a tiny flower vase, a little porcelain monkey. I had made other items in junior high school art class, but she did not want to keep them around.
Here's something else that happened in that art class. We sat on stools around tall tables. Sherry Burkhalter sat next to me, on the right. She was friendly and cute, so in my adolescent boy way (which is to say "clueless") I tried to do things to impress her. One day, Sherry was talking to the student on her right and leaned over to see what the student was doing. I picked up my ruler and swatted Sherry on the posterior. The reaction was swift. She grabbed the ruler out of my hand and proceeded to thrassh me with it, ending with the threat "You don't ever do that to a girl!" Well, Sherry, all these years I have heeded your words. Yes, that was a lasting impression.


Patti said...

I was going to say a lady diving head first into a pool of milk, but that was just too weird.

spookyrach said...

What a cool little pig! I got no use for pigs, but I would've kept that one too.

I've been kicking around some thoughts from my freshman art class as possible blog fodder. Now I am inspired!

Hope you don't suffer from kakorrhaphiaphobia in your music class for much longer.

little david said...

Thanks, Rachel. It's not so much kakorrhaphiaphobia as it is atelophobia. I just hate to get the answer wrong. And I hope that you are making progress with your blennophobia. It could be important at work.

spookyrach said...

The blennophobia is not nearly as much of a problem as the bromidrosiphobia. Smelly, smelly, smelly.

(Yup. Totally had ya figured for as an atelophobic. Me too, 'cept that it then morphs into Sowhyeventryophobia.)

annie said...

I NEVER would have figured that one out.

I had a younger brother who I had to teach the same little lesson Sherry taught you. Unfortunately it took several lessons. He so loved annoying the teacher.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

God bless Sherry Burkhalter where ever she is. That story made me laugh so hard.

Running2Ks said...

Love hurts :)