Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I'm back

Made a trip to California last weekend and saw our grandson. He's very strong, especially for a three-week-old under 8 pounds. The featured photo is a little fuzzy, but was one of the few taken with his eyes open. We saw a lot more of his mouth open. He is beginning to sleep through the night pretty well, but he is hungry in the mornings. We went out to eat a couple of times and he behaved very well indeed. I guess you don't really expect a granddad to say anything negative about his new grandson, do you?


spookyrach said...

He's cool! Looks like he has a killer left jab. Watch out for the follow up punch!

Captainwow said...

he looks so grown UP! wise, or something. what a wonderful grandson you have there!

jonboy said...

Captainwow was a little more politically correct than me. I was thinking he kind of looks like a little old man with his brow furrowed like that. (I mean no offense oh grand Hibou).

Patti said...

I see great things in his future.

Lori said...

he's adorable.....and he does look like he's all grown up already! I think he's saying, "You're late,.....where were you? Curfew was at 9!"