You can't really say "popular demand" if it is only one person making the request. But the plea has been heard, so another "watzat?" is hereby provided. This small item sits on a shelf and is no longer useful for its original purpose. It's sort of a metaphor for the people who have become integral to our lives. We love them, not for their usefulness, but simply because of their identity. Well, enough philosophizing. Can you guess what this is?
Something to do with plumbing?
#1: You camera is a heck of a lot better than mine.
#2: Might be a bone.
#3: More than likely it is something manly...a piece of a tool or bit of metal. Maybe something of your Dad's?
WV: psqded- The feeling one gets when forced to break into a group. ~grins~
I'm saying it's definitely a tool of some sort, but since that has already been guessed, I'm saying it is a slightly deformed duck hunting decoy.
I found you through Mindy. I'll play. Thi is goign to sound pretty wierd next to all the other guesses, but I think it looks like the inner-most layer of a cinnamon roll--like all that brown stuff is the cinnamony goodness.
Oh, yeah, Mindy can tell you--I don't type worth a darn.
To review: "Thi is goign"
is really
"This is going"
(But Mindy already had that figured out.)
Oh revmom....you just crack me up!
Well, I was going to say a really elderly bagel, but revmom stole my thunder. Geeze! Durned ol' preacher types.
I have no idea, really, but I don't think this is something I will try to steal once I become an accomplished burglar. (It does make me sort of hungry...)
Is it the padded cushion of a crutch's shoulder rest?
By the way Revmom, a coworker gave me something to read the other day in which every word was misspelled, but used all the correct letters. It had something to do with a university study the gist of which was that spelling is not really that important because reading is based on sight recognition, not actual reading.
Good news for someone like me who is never far from a dictionary and still can't spell words like 'gist' on the first try.
Curse you, jonboy! I think you must be right!
I can't seem to top anyone elses so I'll go with my first and second gut reactions. It's either an eraser or a discarded food item from long ago.
I am wanting to know if Jonboy has ever been in your house. Cause if he has, I am saying that he CHEATS and should not be allowed to play since he has probably seen said item.
Well, Princess, you can set your mind at ease (at least on this account): Jonboy has never been in my house. That I know of. But then there was that mysterious incident of the missing dictionary.
Welcome to Revmom! Normally I'm pretty strict about spelling errors. If you mistype, it has to be funny. That's how Jonboy gets away with it.
All of your guesses are wonderful, but of course, completely wrong. Although not food, it is quite old. Although not a tool, in its past life it was quite useful to man and woman. It was not my dad's; it came from the other side of the world and was given to me by a stranger. Keep trying.
Ha-ha-ha, my WV was "woubs," the expression of a clumsy file clerk with a cold.
Medieval crack pipe?
When are you going to tell us?
a cup of some kind or a ladle
I really thought it was a cored apple quarter and came to post that, but you said it's not food.
I foudn you via Mindy too btw
and foudn = found in Finnish (only joking!)
Lorna is the closest so far. I will post the answer this evening. I think you will like it. I know I do.
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