Sunday, November 04, 2007

After a long hiatus

Here's the list:

  • Research papers and projects to grade before Monday

  • Old Testament summaries to grade before Monday

  • Final grades to turn in on Monday

  • Christmas drama to produce in four weeks (had our first meeting today!)

  • Hybrid class to prepare (starts next week); meets in Big Flat City 45 miles south of here for eleven weeks

  • New online class to teach; I have no lecture notes ready; starts next week

  • Projects from church history class to grade

And a month from now are the auditions for Proof. Do I dare even show up for that? The part (same one Anthony Hopkins had in the movie version) is very juicy. And of course there are the holidays which will require travel for us--once to central Texas and once to California. I may be scarce(r) around here for a while.


annie said...

I've missed your presence. It's a shame you've been so scarce, but at least you have been up to some good while you have been gone! That's a lot of "bidness" to take care of, may it all go well.

Come back around when you can.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Dang, that post makes me tired.

spookyrach said...

Me too.


That Janie Girl said...

Dude. You might need to drink a V8!!