Friday, October 19, 2007

After a short hiatus

It's just been busy, that's all. I thought after the play was finished, the pace would slow down, but not so. Anyway, it is Fall Break here on the campus and at least I do not have class to teach today. Most of the teachers in my office decided to stay home, but I think that since the university pays me to work full-time, I ought to be here. And it's not like I have nothing to do. The new online term starts in a little over three weeks and I have MUCH preparation to do. If I wasn't working here at the office, I would be working at home. Just thought that I would take a break and post something so you wouldn't think I abandoned blogland. Have a good weekend.


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

You never passed notes in school either did you?

spookyrach said...

bwaaahahaha! Mindy's comment is too funny...

annie said...

Glad you are still around, David!

(Why would anyone pass notes during school?? Aren't you supposed to be paying attention to the teacher?)

Carolanne said...

Yes you should be paying attention to the teacher and if I catch you passing notes, I will read them and decide whether or not to read them to the rest of the class or just rip them up in front of you. LOL

Well David, at least you are conscientious and better to get the preparation done rather than stress about it at the last minute. Although if it were me spending a day at the office, I would still find ways to procrastinate so that I could use the adrenalin of the last-minute pressure to get it all done. Or something like that anyway.

That Janie Girl said...

Have fun getting ready for next semester.

little david said...

Mindy--I did better than pass notes. In English class we were reading some novel using the same set of books as another class. One day I left a note in my book that just said "Hello. Do you like this book?" and left it next to the other reader's bookmark. That was the start of a correspondence which lasted all year long. Greg See and I never did become good buddies, but we were literary pals. So there.
Rachel--Too easily amused. Hmmph.
Annie--Well, not all teachers are as excellent as Carolanne and I, so some amusement must be had. Discreetly, of course.
CArolanne--procrastinating could not possibly add more pressure. While my regular term church history class continues (for which I am still writing up lecture notes every other day), the winter term for online classes starts in three weeks. I will have one class which duplicates a class I am currently doing, one that is entirely new to me online, and a hybrid class that will require me to do a weekly two-hour round trip. Putting off preparation would be the KOD (kiss of death)!