Sunday, September 30, 2007

Picasso at the Lapin Agile

I have been busy this last week. Our play opened last Thursday and we have been very much in rehearsals. So far it has gone well--lots of laughs, no major goof-ups. One night a gel (colored filter in a metal frame) fell off one of the lights and landed a couple of feet from one of the actors. He just looked over at it, said, "Hmph" and went on with his lines. The show must go on.

The photo is of some of the cast. The characters are, from left to right, Picasso, Schmendiman, Suzanne, Einstein, and Sagot. The set for this turned out fabulous, especially a five foot square copy of Les Demoiselles D'Avignon that was painted by an art teacher here. She did an amazing job and the cast sometimes just stands in front of it gawking. I will try to get a decent picture this week. We close on Saturday. Yesterday (Saturday 29th) one of the people in the audience was a cousin of Steve Martin (who wrote the play). He lives in Big Flat City south of us, had never seen the play, and decided to come up for the show. That was kind of cool.

The play has a lot of laughs, some immediate, some what the play itself refers to as "icebox laughs"--when you don't get the joke until an hour later when you are standing in front of the icebox. It has some poignant moments, too, when the actors are discussing art. The script reveals Martin's love for great artwork.

I am looking forward to four free nights before our next performance. If you are in Fake Cow Town this weekend, make plans to see the show.


That Janie Girl said...

Sounds like y'all are having fun! We love a good play.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I love the pic! You and your eyebrows!

annie said...

Cool! I'd come check it out, if only Fake Cow Town weren't so far away.

Theresa Coleman said...

My favorite play EVER.

spookyrach said...

Geeze!!! Wish I could see it!

Nice purple vest, by the way.

Phiz said...

what a spiffy bunch!

little david said...

Thanks for the comments! Mindy, the historical character Clovis Sagot was a circus clown before going into the business of selling art. I wanted to portray his energy even with makeup. And Rachel, there is a suit coat that goes with the vest (pants, too, but they were just too baggy for the show). The lilac color works great with my grey hair!

That Janie Girl said...

Beautiful lilac. Hot color this year.:)

Carolanne said...

OK, now I know which actor you are. :)