Sunday, September 09, 2007


Something odd occurred this last week. I posted a notice about SpookyRach and Jonboy. That's not the odd part. What was strange to me was the fact that several people commented on that posting who have never ever commented on my blogsite before. So that appears to mean that there are more-or-less regular readers of this blog who never comment. OK, just this one time, would everyone who reads this leave a comment, even if it is just to say "Hi"? And if there is something that would engage you more in my postings, let me know. (We used to play games here, but it has been a while.)

Here's the latest project: a multi-room birdhouse. Cat kept placing pages torn from magazines in spots where I would find them, pages with pictures of birdhouses. Doesn't take me long to get the hint--only several months. So I built this six-room house with a screen floor (for easier cleaning). At first I used old license plates for the roof, but that looked pretty tacky. The final material was left over from a kiddie swimming pool at least 40 years old.

I dug a hole, poured in concrete, and plumbed the pole yesterday. All that left was mounting the birdhouse this afternoon. We will see if the birds like it. I tried to keep it out of range of the squirrels.

Here's another project. On Tuesday of last week I was asked to be in a play ("Picasso at the Lapin Agile" by Steve Martin) here at the university in Fake Cow Town. The role is that of a French art dealer during the beginning of the twentieth century. How could I say "no"? The play opens the last weekend of THIS MONTH, however, so there's a lot of work ahead. By the way, we are still looking for an actor to play the part of Elvis, so if you know of anyone . . .


DogBlogger said...


I followed a link over from Rachel's blog and I plan to keep dropping by. No special requests or anything, just "hi!"

spookyrach said...

That is a way cool birdhouse!! Do you do bat houses as well? The front "window" - is that from a license plate? I really like the design and I'm trying to remember where I've seen it before.

I totally voluteer to play Elvis. *grins*

That Janie Girl said...

Hi, ditto Dogblogger's comment. I like your blog, and have blogrolled you. So I will only be lurking 75% and commenting 35%...oops, that doesn't compute, does it?

Welcome to my world.

Jody Harrington said...

Howdy! I like your blog as it is, and I'm a regular reader/commenter, so thanks.

I'd love to see you in that play. If you get to dress up for it, post a photo.

The birdhouses are very pretty. My sister-in-law has a collection of birdhouse "churches". Just stick a steeple and a cross on it if you want one too.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

That is how it always is! People read but do not comment. That is why I love site meter.

OMG...could you have built a better bird house?? Can you build ME a live in?? I know it would be just perfect!

little david said...

Hey, Dogblogger, I saw your photo on Rachel's site. Welcome to my world. I will stop by to see your site soon.

Yes, Rachel, the "window" was cut from a Texas license plate (sesquicentennial edition). You may have seen the design in a magazine. Or maybe in a dream, if you are Patti. You can be Elvis, but you have to cut your hair and dye it black. And learn your lines. Thank you, thankya very much.

Hello Janie! So you live in Midland, huh? Cat's parents used to live there and her sister still lives in Odessa. I will just have to visit your site also.

Jody, I promise as soon as we have costumes, I will post a photo. I get to have this cheesy mustache and goatee combination that looks very "late 19th century European." Maybe birdchurch is next on the project list. Maybe. Thanks for your comments.

Yeah, Mindy, but you get like 20 or 30 or 40 comments on your site. Truth be told, responding to all those would WAY wear me out. Maybe it is best for me to just quit whining, huh? Sorry, but birdhouses comprise the limit for me building-wise. Well, there was that Habitat for Humanity house last year.

annie said...

Sorry, I've been off licking my wounds, but I think I am 'bout to get back to commenting here and there. I always read but I don't always comment.

I'm impressed with the birdhouse. You know, just a little bit bigger house and maybe a lot bigger pole, you could stick Mindy up there and run a moment by moment account of the whole event...I bet that would get you some comments!

Can't wait to see the pics of you in costume...

little david said...

Hee-hee-hee! Annie, I would need to put a ladder up for her, too, because that birdhouse is about fifteen feet off the ground! But you sure got me to thinking about a photo of Mindy-bird.

MJH said...

You know I check your blog every now and then. Great house!! I'm impressed with your crafty side.

Ester said...

Can you build me a size!

Phiz said...

Dang, man! That's amazing!

Patti said...

Love the birdhouse! I wish I could come and see the play.

Patti said...

I can't find your email address.

I can't think of much more to say about the dream. So how about you email me your version, I'll make comments (etc) and email it back...we can edit privately, back and forth, and then publish the final version.

little david said...

It's a deal, Patti.

Thanks, Phiz! Not all that amazing--just time consuming.

Ester, I know you are short, but seriously! And besides, would you really want to have to enter your house through a round hole in the wall?

MJH, thanks for stopping by. I visit your site, too, you know. I am just a jack of all trades and master of none, I suppose.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Oh can there PLEASE be a Mindy bird??!?!?!?!?

SplineGuy said...

I'm still reading.

That Janie Girl said...

time for you to post again!

Anonymous said...

just me checking in, but you already know about me.

Paul said...

I don't use a sitemeter any more, because I started paying too much attention to the stats... Now I am also curious about how many readers my blog attracks, but I follow the advice from Ecc. 11:1 now... Just wanted to let you know and say HI!

Carolanne said...

Hey, guess what! I'm on holidays for 2 weeks so might even keep up with everyone, including the commenting! :)

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or rather, G'DAY!!! :)