Sunday, July 08, 2007

A couple of oddities

Friday when we came home from work, we found that someone had left a chalk message on our driveway. This is quite confusing because the only person on our block with whom we regularly exchange favors is a bit old to be down on her knees writing with chalk. Was it the people across the street? We hardly ever talk to them--mostly friendly waves and "Are the 'skeeters eating you up?"

Maybe some children were playing on our driveway and one wrote the message for the others. After all, there is a small "Thanks" scrawled to the side. Could that been a playmate's response? But it seems to be in the same handwriting.

Perhaps friends who do not live nearby did this. I am intrigued that the word "y'all" was correctly spelled (not "ya'll" as one often sees) while "R" was substitutetd for "are." Maybe I am over-analyzing this. Maybe space aliens did this. (Rachel is out of town or I would suspect her.)

Another oddity is this flower growing in our backyard. Like Jonah's vine, it just sprung up all of a sudden. When it was about a yard tall, we thought it was a sunflower. But once it started flowering, the flowers look like brown-eyed Susans. The thing looks rather gangly with the thick stalk and leaves that are many times larger than the flowers. What do you think it is? And who planted THAT in our yard? We are going to have to keep a closer eye on our house!


annie said...

Gosh, that's strange. I was thinking in my head that Rachel would be my first suspect...maybe she is the mastermind behind it all who had someone else do it and then went out of town so she would look innocent!

Those are pretty flowers on that plant, I do not think I suspect Rachel of planting that!

I also have a pet peeve about people incorrectly spelling y'all!

annie said...

Maybe Rachel had her innocent and angelic friend Mindy write that message??

What a mystery!

spookyrach said...

I plead the 5th. (I didn't have anything to do with it, I just like saying that. It's kind of cool, though, huh? I may have to steal that idea and use it myself sometime.)

Your flower looks like the wild sunflowers growing in the ditches out by my house, but I've never seen one get that tall. MAYBE this is a regular mammoth sunflower and when the space aliens stopped by to scrawl on your driveway, the radiation from their warp engines caused it to have shrunken flowers. Yeah... I bet that's what happened....

Carolanne said...

I think y'all have to stay home from work next Friday to see if you can catch the planting chalk alien!

Anonymous said...

Maybe y' all R nice flowerin' aliens???

little david said...

Thanks for all the helpful suggestions! Did it hurt, Carolanne, to write "y'all"? You have to say it with a drawl, you know.

Carolanne said...

Didn't hurt - I can do good imitations and you should hear me drawl.... going to be anywhere near us at the end of the year? LOL