Thursday, July 20, 2006

Report on blogging

Would it surprise you that three-fourths of all (US) bloggers include in their blogs materials that they have created themselves? This is way more than the average internet user. The Pew Internet Project just released a survey on blogging habits which you can read by clicking right here. Most of them do it for the same reason you do: to talk about their life experiences.


annie said...

That was kind of sort of interesting. Most of the blogs I read are what I consider personal blogs.

I started my blog as a creative outlet and as a way to enlarge my world a bit. At the time, I was in school and so it was also a challenge to see what I could do with the technology aspect of blogging.

spookyrach said...

That was an interesting article, although it made me feel very average. Sigh...

I was impressed that bloggers are more racially diverse than internet users in general, although not by much. This made me think about the blogs I read.

Although I've never consciously contemplated race among blogs I like - as far as I am aware, the blogs I read are almost exclusively written by anglos. I read a couple of blogs written by hispanics, but that's about it. My little sociological head searches for the meaning in this.

My liberal head hopes that I just don't know the race of most of the bloggers out there because it doesn't really matter.

Patti said...

Hey, I'm not anglo, I'm Mohawk! I have the tribal card to prove it.

Captainwow said...

my opinion of my writing has slowed some since I started my blog. I thought I had a lot to say and a good way of saying it. Having to do it regularly proved that I didn't really have all that much unique to say that lots of others weren't already saying. But now I do blog for fun and - it is fun. I also like the interaction with other bloggers. I enjoy that people out there like what I have written - it's good for the ego.