Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Nest--it's the best!

Kenyan women are traditionally dependent on men. When a husband abandons his family, the woman may try to gain income from selling vegetables (without a license), stealing, or even prostitution. There is an orphanage in Limuru which specializes in children of imprisoned women. It is named The Nest. The children in this orphanage recieve excellent care and the program is wholistic. It involves counseling for the family. These babies sleep in a huge bed secure in the protective environment. Visiting here, feeding infants, playing with the older children, and hearing their stories was a wonderful experience.


Patti said...

Both my mother and my grandmother had to spend time in orphanages. Because their moms were unable to care for them (on temporarily, thank God), and their fathers abandoned them. How tragic for these women in Kenya.

little david said...

The fortunate ones have their children placed in this orphanage. These folks are incredibly organized and knowledgeable. They teach the kids to be responsible, give them plenty of opportunities for play and education, work with mothers about to be released, and follow up reunited families. All of us on the team were positively impressed.

spookyrach said...

Sounds like a very interesting place.

Anonymous said...

thanks for linking us up! we were glad to have you come visit!